Association: Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine
CVR: 41238992

Current Status 2021 - 2024

Energy Museum closes to visitors
Consequence of climate change
Preparation for GSRN

Loss of annual sponsorship closes the Energy Museum to visitors
Research, communication and teaching of school classes continues

The topics "wind, water and sun", "renewable energy" and "wind turbines" are often topics that are chosen for tours and teaching. Photo is from the book "Gedser Wind Turbine - Mother of modern wind turbines" (2015), in which museum inspector Jytte Thorndahl provides an account of the Energy Museum's exhibitions on e.g. Gedser Wind Turbine.

The Energy Museum - press release 31 August, 2023
Thank you for another fantastic season at the Energy Museum. After a fantastic and well-attended autumn holiday, the Energy Museum closes for the winter. However, as it looks right now, the museum will not reopen in the spring as we usually do. The Energy Museum has lost a large annual sponsorship from Energinet, and we have not been able to raise the money from elsewhere, and therefore the museum cannot open to visitors in 2024.
Our extensive work in preserving the museum's collection, researching the history of energy and the green transition as well as energy communication will continue behind the scenes, while we continue to raise money for the museum's operation. From today, the museum is therefore only open for teaching school classes to a limited extent by contacting our Communication Department.
The Energy Museum opened to the public in 1984 and has been on a fantastic journey over the years. Now 39 years later - we close to the public.
We like to thank all our lovely guests over the years who have played, learned and become more knowledgeable about the world of energy and the green transition. We have enjoyed guiding you, teaching you and welcoming you both in the cafe, the Energy Garden and our many exhibitions.
We hope that one day we can open the museum to you again."

1 January, 2024. Quote from
the Website of the Energy Museum

Like many others, the Association: Operation of the Gedser Wind Turbine reacted to the closing of the Energy Museum.
19 September, 2023. Using the headline "Closure-threatened Energy museum is an important partner for renewed operation of Gedser Wind Turbine" the association sent an email to the chairman of the Danish parliament's Culture Committee Mogens Jensen and all the parties' members of the committee. Among other things with the following:
"Hopefully, closing the Energy Museum does not represent a tendency to depreciate industrial cultural heritage in the future. In 2006, the Gedser Wind Turbine was included in the Danish Cultural Canon.
Significant for a possible new trend is that the SEAS NVE Elmuseet (now Andel) is moving from Haslev to smaller premises in Holbaek. Tuesday 12 September 2023, the association picked up Juul's patented low-voltage stove (1936) in Haslev ("to ensure that it is preserved for posterity"). The stove is now on display, see attached photo, in the property's converted barn, where it has already attracted interest from the Alte Stromer Berlin (September 15, 2023) and other tourists. Several people recognize the stove's design: "My grandmother had exactly the same stove.""

21 September, 2023 - the association received the following email from the chairman of the Danish parliament's Culture Committee: "Thank you very much for the information about the Energy Museum and the Gedser Wind Turbine. I will include it for further discussion. Sincerely, Mogens Jensen, Deputy Chairman of the Social Democrats, Spokesperson for Culture, Media and Sports, Member of The Finance Committee, Member of the Foreign Policy Council, Chairman of the delegation to the Council of Europe.""

28 November, 2023.
The Danish Finance Act 2024 allocates DKK 5.8 million to the Energy Museum
"Following a broad political agreement on the Finance Act for 2024, the Energy Museum in Tange has received an early Christmas gift. All parties in the Parliament, with the exception of Enhedslisten, have approved an operating subsidy of DKK 5.8 million in 2024.
Dansk El-Forbund (DEF) helped found the Energy Museum in 1984. Ever since, DEF members have had free access. The Finance Act now ensures the museum's survival - for the time being. The money is allocated from an annual support program for local initiatives."
1 January, 2024. Quote from

2024 - One of the turbines from Vindeby (the world's first offshore wind farm) is preserved and exhibited at the Energy Museum. Photo: The Energy Museum

Reconstruction of the Vindeby Wind Turbine
January 2024

Quote from the Energy Museum's website:

"Since the spring of 2017, the parts for one of the world's first offshore wind turbines have been lying in the Energy Museum's parking lot, while money has been collected for restoration and rebuilding. Now the turbine has been erected and stands beautifully together with the museum's other historically important wind turbines. We call it the wind turbine industry's answer to The Grauball man, because it has a very special place in the history of wind energy.
Raising and securing a 17 meter high wind turbine (originally 33 meters high) with its full blade length is not an easy task, and the museum owes a big thank you to Ørsted, Siemens Gamesa, Connected Wind and Norlys for both financial and professional contributions.
Vindeby Wind Turbine now stands on the museum grounds together with the museum's 2 other iconic turbines, the Gedser Wind Turbine (the mother of all modern wind turbines) and the Riisager Wind Turbine (one of the first mass-produced wind turbines). Everyone helps to tell about the Danish wind turbine adventure.
We are happy and proud - and later this year, we will open a new outdoor exhibition about these historic wind turbines."

Extreme Weather - more frequent drought, severe storms and heavy rainfalls

Record high rainfall from July 2023 and into January, February, March 2024 - has also left its mark on the facility at Juul's tower. But with a location on a hilltop 10 meters above sea level, the area escaped the violent floods that ravaged other parts of Denmark in 20-21. October 2023.

The soil in Lolland-Falster is fertile moraine clay, and this makes the region very suitable for agriculture.

1 March - 13 June 2023. The drought is spreading in Denmark
13 June 2023. DMI Communication:
"The drought is spreading in Denmark, and on Saturday 10 June the average drought index for the country reached a very dry 10.0 on the drought scale, which goes from 0, where the soil is saturated with water, to 10, where the soil is completely dried out."

While the drought period peaked in June, July marked the start of record high rainfalls for the remainder of 2023.
13 June 2023. DMI Communication:
"Never in DMI's time of nationwide measurements - from 1874 - has July been so wet. And heavy rainfalls continued in the autumn, which became the eighth wettest autumn since 1874."

As shown, up to several times, on the association's website, in September 2023 posters were set up along the fence into the mill area. Frequent July rainfalls had softened the clay soil so that it was possible to dig the wooden posts deep down along the barbed wire fence and wrap them in concrete. Furthermore, the setup was attached to the barbed wire fence's deeply anchored steel posts.
A construction that allowed westerly and easterly winds to pass parallel to the weatherproof posters. The wind from the south was partially slowed down by the vegetation of the lee fence. And the wind from the north was partially stopped by the concrete tower and the transformer house.
For the same reason, the construction coped in fine style with the storms in 20-21 October and 23 November.

Pia knocks down the posters
22 December, 2023.
When the storm Pia turned from west to northwest, the posters were completely exposed, without the protection of Juul's tower, and consequently knocked down by hurricane-force winds. In the fall, the wooden posts, set in concrete, were pulled up like a cork from a bottle. The clay soil was so saturated from several months of rain that the ground was almost liquid and therefore unable to hold the wooden posts. Even the steel posts of the barbed wire fence were bent due to Pia. Normally, the steel posts cannot be "moved in any direction", but in the rain-soaked ground it is possible to straighten them in an upright position by hand.

Extreme weather necessitates relocation of posters
27 December 2023
Since extreme weather globally, and thus also in Denmark, has become the "normal" - the current temporary location of posters must be abandoned until the Juuls Museum is built, and the posters, protected from wind from behind, can be set up on the museum's outer walls.
The dismantling of the posters, each measuring 90x110 cm, took place on Wednesday 27 December 2023 in the afternoon, when the wind had finally died down. As mentioned, the wooden posts were pulled up by the storm from the rain-soaked clay soil and therefore the structure's fall to the ground, as seen in the photo, took place with limited damage and splintered wood. In other words and fortunately, the weatherproof posters can definitely be reused.

The posters' new temporary location
2 Januar 2024
Thanks to a single day of dry weather and shelter from the easterly wind, it was possible to set up some posters on the gable to the gallery and the museum for European Windmill Pioneers. But late afternoon, it started to rain again and the use of the drilling machine was stopped.
However, as seen from the photo, there is plenty of space on the gable and on the wall by the gate to expand the series of posters - from the current six to eight. The extra posters are reserved for the presentation of sponsors, foundations etc.
Also seen from the photo, the fascine (seepage system) in front of the gate has not been able to cope with the night's large amounts of rain. Nevertheless, flooding is taken into account. On the floor, behind the gate, heavy boards and wooden posts, wrapped in plastic, are laid out to prevent water from entering.
In early spring, the area will be furnished with tables, chairs and benches. Inviting tourists and passers-by to sit and enjoy the view.

Still associated with Mother Mill
3 January 2024
- The harsh weather mainly attracts anglers (fishing for sea trout) and hunters (shooting wild geese) to the beach areas by the mill. The permanent group of dog walkers have long since read the texts on the posters, they probably only note the new location of the posters. The interest in studying the posters will clearly emerge when the holiday house guests show up at Easter. Hopefully they will perceive the posters as an invitation to stop and enjoy. Juul's tower is visible and cooperates beautifully with the posters' photos. There is cohesion despite the distance.

Preparations for GSRN and restart

26 November 2023 - Transformer meter. Due to missing rotor and operation, the transformer is shut down.

15 September 2023. - Members of "Alte Stromer Berlin" study the newer electricity meter in the transformer house. Photographer: Marlis Krause.

26 November 2023. - Electricity meter, placed outside in a cabinet, for e.g. indoor lighting in the transformer house.

27 November 2023. - Lamp lighting above the old electricity meter cabinet, which fortunately has been preserved.

27 September 2023.

In agreement with the Danish Energy Agency, Marielyst El has 27 September 2023 deregistered the former Wincon GSRN. The Wincon had previously been mounted on Juul's tower in Gedser and operated until 4 November 2019, when the Wincon rotor was removed.
Weeks later, Cerius dismantles the electricity meter connected to Wincon's previous operation (see image above).
Also agreed with the Danish Energy Agency, a new electricity meter will be installed when Johannes Juul's prototype is manufactured and registered with its own GSRN.

26 November 2023 - Siemens Installations.

8 August 2022.
Cerius recommends replacing the oil-leaking transformer (200 kW) in connection with the planned restart of Juul's prototype. The company has a fully functional transformer that matches Juul's prototype in size and capacity. Price incl. crane: DKK 100,000.

August 2023.
An electrician, specializing in wind technology, has booked a tour for his colleagues late September 2024. During his inspection of the transformer house in August 2023, he recommends us to install a newer transformer to ensure a stable operation of Juul's prototype. This in reference to the more frequent extreme weather.

The cat litter laid out, is used to collect oil spills. Fortunately, the leak is minor. The transformer has been switched off since 8 August 2022.

27 November 2023. - Photo shows external ladder and also the door to the internal ladder.

15 September 2023. - Photo shows internal ladder with a drain at the bottom of the tower. Photographer: Association member Kjeld Rasmussen.

15 September 2023. - Internal ladder towards the top of the tower. Photographer: Association member Kjeld Rasmussen.

17 September 2021. Photographer: Silvio Matysik.

17 September 2021. Photographer: Silvio Matysik.

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