The general meeting on 23 May 2023 dealt with the following topics: Achieved pre-qualification in "Location counts X" - a campaign launched by Realdania and the New Carlsberg Foundation. The Coastal Directorate applied for permission to create an independent and extended cadastre for the Gedser Wind Turbine at Korsagervej 14 in Gedser. Establishment of the Juuls Museum, which, in addition to the history of the mill, also presents a perspective on today's sustainable energy technologies |
Location: Korsagervej 14 4874 Gedser, Denmark |
Contact us: Chairman, property owner, Gitte Ahrenkiel - E-mail - Mobil: +45 51417833 Business manager, Master of Laws, Philip Friis-Mikkelsen - E-mail |
Become a member The invitation also addresses individuals outside Denmark. At present, 6 residents in Germany are registered members. Before the annual general meeting (in May), all members will receive, by email, the minutes of the previous year's general meeting (for approval) and the agenda for this year's annual general meeting, with the opportunity to submit consents, motions and comments. The association is volontary. so membership is free, no fees. The members' primary task is to spread awareness of the planned restart of the world-famous Gedser Wind Turbine. Next, members are expected to support the local anchoring of the project in relation to collaborations with authorities, associations, companies, tourism and educational institutions in Lolland-Falster. But also to come up with proposals for establishing collaborations with, for example, companies (sponsorship agreements), educational institutions etc. outside Denmark. This is consistent with Juul's European collaborations under the OEEC (initiated from 1948 - see Marshall Plan ). Furthermore, international collaborations are relevant for applications for e.g. EU funds. Contact : post@gedserwindturbine.com |
Planned GSRN-register of Johannes Juul's prototype The municipality of Guldborgsund and the association are, for the moment, examining the options for setting up a limited company. This because, the Danish Energy Agency, September 2023, has suggested to register the GSRN (Global Service Relation Number) of Juul's original tower and planned restart as "Johannes Juul's prototyp". Eight of Johannes Juul's grandchildren have approved the use of their grandfather's name. |
The Association: Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine was founded: March 8, 2020 The objectives of the association a) Based on international / national recognition of Johannes Juul, to work for and spread knowledge of the planned Reconstruction and Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine-project at the site selected by Johannes Juul in Gedser. This is achieved in contact with the Municipality of Guldborgsund, conservation authorities, museums, the energy sector, interest groups in green and renewable energy, the tourism industry, other associations, media and more. "Gedser Wind Turbine was for many years the world's largest wind turbine. Johannes Juul created the mill in 1956-57, and today the world's modern wind turbines are built largely on the same principles - but with modern technology on the sidelines. NASA used the Gedser Wind Turbine as a model in 1975 when the United States was conducting research into wind power. Gedser Wind Turbine became a symbol of the green Denmark .. " Culture canon 2006 b) In connection with the reconstruction project - to raise awareness of the planned Offshore Symphony, designed by Frank Pecquet, University of Sorbonne, Paris. c) To investigate / create conditions for the later establishment of a limited company or fund for administration of the reconstruction and operation project to ensure this for posterity. |
Gedser's local historical archive has provided photos, press clippings and relevant documents - for book publications about the Gedser wind turbine and in 2023 for the setup of 6 posters as a prelude to the Juuls Museum. |
Guldborgsund Bygningsbevaringsfond is a valuable sparring partner for the Association. Protecting local cultural heritage is in our common interest. |
The municipality of Guldborgsund plans to include the Gedser Wind Turbine in the municipality's tourism and energy strategies. |
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Lollands Bank is participating in the project. The bank e.g. financed the establishment of the Association's bank account. IBAN: DK9165200002608412 SWIFT/BIC: LOBADK21 |
The Energy Museum is part of the association's project group. Museum inspector Jytte Thorndahl has, among other things, assisted with the search for Juul's descendants. This for obtaining the family's consent for the Gedser Wind Turbine to be listed in the Danish Energy Agency's master data register as "Johannes Juul's prototype" (currently the turbine is registered in the name of the landowner). Moreover, Jytte Thorndal has published several books about the Gedser wind turbine. Jytte Thorndahl has put a lot of effort into obtaining funding for the renovation and display of Juul's original two turbine blades as one of the museum's popular attractions. The Museum's archives also includes Juul's private photos and papers. This valued collaboration is of great importance for the realization of a renewed operation of the Gedser Wind Turbine. The Energy Museum safeguards Danish cultural heritage - incl. the world's first offshore wind farm (off Vindeby, Lolland) In addition to Juul's rotor, the Energy Museum has also secured the Danish Riisager Wind Turbine (1978). And very soon the museum will be able to exhibit one of the turbines from the world's first offshore wind park, which was taken down in 2017. See below: "The story of the world's first offshore wind farm (off Vindeby on Lolland) will be preserved for posterity. The Energy Museum has been offered one of the wind turbines from Vindeby Offshore Wind Farm for their exhibition in Bjerringbro, says Leif Winther, Senior Lead Business Developer at Dong Energy." Source: energy-supply.dk More photos and info: Cultural Canon m.m. September 2023 - Vindeby offshore turbine is being prepared for exhibition at the Energy Museum "... Now only the lower part of the Vindeby turbine tower remains. The upper part, which the museum has received permission to set up, is located at a shipyard in Hvide Sande, while the rotor blades and the nacelle are being prepared for installation at the wind turbine factory Siemens Gamesa in Brande. In the forest along the museum, the area is cleared so that a foundation can be cast." Source: SERIES - A place for windmills in the cultural history. Interview with Jytte Thorndahl. Information. 7 September 2023. Information |
Andel (SEAS) Elmuseum in Haslev has, September 12, 2023, donated Juul's patented low-voltage stove (1936) to the planned Juul Museum in Gedser. Currently the low voltage oven is at display in the gallery of the property at Korsagervej 14, Gedser. (See More photos ) Andel Elmuseum has also provided copies of Juul's technical drawings and Juul's own photos of the construction of the Gedser wind turbine. |
Image-link : www.kappelstubml.dk
Tour Lolland-Falster's Historic Windmills In connection with a meeting in Sakskøbing on 10 January 2024 about Cultural Tourism - contact was established between the association and Holger Villadsen, who is chairman of the Kappel Post Mill Guild. Subsequently, the association has received links and other material for use on gedserwindturbine.com. This, to inform tourists about "the preserved 16-18 post mills in Denmark, of which 5 are located in Lolland-Falster, including perhaps the country's oldest. And they are all operational". Holger Villadsen also points out: "The post mill is actually an even older "mother mill" - especially if you can see and understand that the central post in a post mill corresponds to the modern towers of concrete or steel." |
Kappel Post Mill is considered to have been built approx. 1730, but it may be older. It was rebuilt in 1844. Most recently it was restored in the 1980s and in 2004, so that it can now grind flour. The board covering is painted Swedish red, and the mill has a thatched roof. The mill was in operation until 1935 and became a listed building in 1959. Since 2003, it has been owned by the independent association the Kappel Post Mill Guild. Address: Kappelvej 4, Kappel, 4900 Nakskov. Access: During the summer holidays, the mill is open every Tuesday, 14:00-17:00. In addition, the mill is open on the Annual Mill Day (Sunday 16 June 2024) and by prior arrangement. Free access. Web: www.kappelstubml.dk Contact: Holger Villadsen (mobile +45 60 56 57 28). E-mail |
Gedesby Mill is the youngest of the smock mills in Lolland-Falster. It was built in 1911 and was in use as a windmill until 1947. It is also one of the smallest gallery windmills, as it only has a blade span of approx. 16 meters. Gedesby Mill Guild was founded in 1985 and is responsible for the restoration and ongoing maintenance of the mill. The mill can run and grind flour. Address: Kobbelsøvej 1, Gedesby, 4874 Gedser. Access: During the summer season, the mill is open daily, 11:00-16:00. Adjacent to the mill, there is a thrift shop which also serves coffee. There are also a number of special events during the year. Web: www.gedesbymoelle.dk Contact: Lise Jensen (mobile +45 30 82 39 95). E-mail |
Next in the website menu bar: Johannes Juul - Inventor |