Association: Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine
CVR: 41238992

Technical Papers and Books


1961 - Juul's speech at the UN Conference, Rome
"Design of Wind Power Plants in Denmark"

1954 - Technical Papers presented to the OEEC Wind Power Working Party 2.
incl. "Conversion of Wind Power Plant from Direct Current to Alternating Current Output" by Johannes Juul.

1956 - UNESCO Conference: "Symposium on Wind and Solar Energy, New Delhi, 1956".
Incl. "Wind Machines" by Johannes Juul.

Report of the Windpower Committe of the Association of Danish Electricity Undertaking (DEF). Copenhagen 1962.
"J.Juul has declared himself to be in disagreement with the other Committee members regarding the conditions and evaluations contained in Sektion (4): "Cost of Electricity from Wind Power and from Steam Power", and its corresponding Appendix (4): "Comparison of the Competitive Potentialities of Electricity Obtained from Wind Power from Steam-Driven Plant". He has therefore been unable to subscribe to the above conclustions."
Appendix 1. "The Gedser Mill" by J. Juul.

1977-1979 - DTU report regarding NASA and DOE's test runs of the Gedser Wind Turbine for the American energy program.
"Analysis of Data from the Gedser Windturbine - 1977-1979"

2016-2024 - "Project: Offshore Symphony" - A tribute to Johannes Juul and Gedser Wind Turbine.
Composed by Frank Pecquet.


J. Roesler; D. Semmelmann: "... ohne Energie geht gar nichts!"
Die ostdeutsche Energiewirtschaft von den Kombinaten zur VEAC (1980 - 2001)

The book was donated to Association by the Alte Stromer Berlin senior club and their tour guide Marlis Krause (representing 50Hertz Transmission GmbH). The photo below shows the Alte Stromer Berlin during their visit to the Gedser wind turbine on September 15, 2023.



Visual Guide to the Power Grid - 2022.
Author Christian Dahl Winther and his wife Anne-Marie visited Johannes Juul's original turbine-tower in Gedser, May 2023. It led to inspiring conversations, resulting in Christian forwarding his book. Quoting one of the book's reviewers (click image link above): "Must-read for all in the renewable energy industry" - the book has absolute relevance. Also for the project of Association: Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine. For more information:


Revival of Mother Mill: Gedser Wind Turbine, Vol II - 2021 (Reconstruction and Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine series.)
Gitte Ahrenkiel (Autor),


Shelter based on Recycling: Part of Offshore Symphony and Reconstruction of Gedser Wind Turbine (Reconstruction and Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine series.)
Paperback - February 5, 2020
Gitte Ahrenkiel (Autor),

Gedser Wind Turbine: Mother of any modern turbine (Reconstruction and Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine series.)
November 12, 2017
Gitte Ahrenkiel (Author)

Foreword ("The Gedser Wind Turbine - The mother of any modern turbine" - Published in 2017.)

A good idea doesn't necessarily have to be nice-looking

"First come, first served" - a German and Danish saying.
The Gedser Wind Turbine is a good example of how it pays to be at the forefront. The fact that Denmark was a leader in the field of wind turbines for many years has to do with the pioneering spirit that was developed in connection with the Gedser Wind Turbine.

In the years around 1950, no one could have foreseen the enormous energy demand that arose as a consequence of economic growth in the 1960s. Informed by the enormous shortage of goods of all kinds, including energy, during the Second World War, the electrical engineer Johannes Juul foresightedly developed the idea of using a resource that was in abundance: wind. And the Gedser experimental mill was - regardless of its current size - the largest wind turbine in the world at the time when it was built in 1957 based on Johannes Juul's experiences with other experiments.

The design was later recognized as pioneering, and the technical principles of the Gedser Wind Turbine were continued in modern windmills. It is therefore not without reason that it is called the mother of all wind turbines. The undemanding and effective nature of the construction enabled a stable and reliable windmill, which in turn led to the Gedser experimental mill being included in the national cultural project "Kanon for Håndværk og Design" (translated roughly: A cannon for good craftsmanship and design). And this despite the fact that the chairman of the British wind energy program said to Johannes Juul during a study visit to Gedser: "You could have made the mill a bit nicer-looking".

From the outset, my goal with the "Canon" cultural project was to capture the best of the best. The Gedser Wind Turbine is undoubtedly one of them. It's not the appearance that matters in this case.

For Danish students, the Gedser Wind Turbine is proof of how far one can go with inventiveness and willpower. Keep it up. The world is waiting for strong signals.

Brian Mikkelsen
Member of the Folketing

Minister of Economic Affairs from February 23, 2010 - February 3, 2011
Minister of Justice from September 10, 2008 - February 23, 2010
Minister of Culture from November 27th, 2001 - September 10th, 2008

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