Association: Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine
CVR: 41238992

Korsagervej 14
4874 Gedser, Denmark

Opening hours:
Gedser Ginkgo Soundgarden: Free admission around the clock, all year.
For access to the turbine area and a guided tour, contact landowner and chairman of the association: Gitte Ahrenkiel. E-mail - Mobile: +45 51417833
Museum (European wind turbine pioneers) and art exhibitions (in converted barn): 13.00 - 17.00

Alternatively, you can park your car at Gedser Marina and walk along the coast to a path that leads directly up to the Gedser Wind Turbine..


Book a guided tour

Contact landowner and chairman of the association: Gitte Ahrenkiel. - E-mail - Mobile: +45 51417833

15 September, 2023 - 11:30 - 13:30.
Seniorenclub Alte Stromer Berlin. More photos

8 June, 2023 - 20:30 - Sunset.
Land Rover Club Denmark, Section Lolland-Falster and Møn

23 April, 2023 - 14:00.
Retired Electro Engineers, Denmark.