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Booked Tour - Seniorenclub Alte Stromer Berlin, September 2023 Seniorenclub Alte Stromer Berlin (1992) includes retired employees of Vattenfall Europe Gruppe (Berlin) as well as 50Hertz Transmission GmbH. www.altestromer-seniorenclub/ |
13 September 2023- mail from tour guide Marlis Krause (representing the company 50Hertz, which operates the electricity transmission system in Northern/Eastern Germany): "Now it's the 4th day of our stay in Kopenhagen and we have had lots of experience and fun, including visits to the Tivoli and to Malmo via the bridge. The time runs on and we are looking forward to the visit of Gedser windmill. Please let me know, if there anything of the plans has changed. Best wishes from all of us, Marlis See our group on the boat and the coach." |
15 September 2023. Arrival at Gedser Wind Tubine After a visit to Roskilde Cathedral, Alte Stromer arrive at 12.30 in Gedser. | Tour guide Marlis has provided photos of the group of Alte Stromer in front of Johannes Juul's turbine tower and transformerhouse ... |
... studying the installations in the mill's transformer house. The transformer is shut down because the mill is not operating. Therefore no risk. |
... studying Johannes Juul's patented low-voltage stove (1936). The stove was donated by Andel Elmuseum 12 September 2023 to Juuls Museum in relation to the planned restart of the Gedser Wind Turbine. And in time to be introduced to the Alte Stromer three days later.
Mail and photos from Claudia and Joachim Jähne: "Thank you for your effort during our visit to Gedser on 15.09.23. It was very nice to see how you put a lot of effort into building up your museum and how you welcome visitors with a lot of warmth. Thank you again for everything and good luck with the museum. Here are a few photos from our visit. Claudia and Joachim " |
There is free access all year round, day and night to the wind sculptures (constructed from recycled materials, supplied by local citizens). The wind sculptures are a tribute to the Gedser Wind Turbine and the many possibilities of wind power. Herbs, wild flowers and berry bushes are planted among the wind sculptures. The plants are supplied by locals and visitors are welcome to harvest seeds, berries and take cuttings. |
Tour guide Marlis Krause photographed close to a glass ball that reproduces her upside down. |
Having lunch in the present Museum and Gallery, close to Gedser Wind Turbine. |
Representing the company 50Hertz, tour guide Marlis Krause donates books and other items relevant for the Association and our shared ambition: "By 2032, we want to securely intergrate 100 percent renewable energy into our grid and the electrical system." www.50hertz.com/en |
Winter is soon to come. So the sowing of "Wildblumen" from 50Hertz, to promote and practice biodiversity, will not take place until April 2024. The contribution supports the association's own efforts. Also thanks for the book "... ohne Energie geht gar nichts". Finally, a heartfelt thank to each and every Alte Stromer for a lovely day and your support to the association's project. |
__________________________ Kjeld Rasmussen, a member of the association and who assisted with the guiding of Alte Stromer, declared: "You know, our project has received a perfect ranking. Our guests ended their tour including popular attractions such as Copenhagen, Malmo and Roskilde Cathedral with a visit to the Gedser Windkraftanlage. That's amazing and a cleare recognition." Kjeld has provided the following photos from the visit on 15 September 2023. |
__________________________ 03 October 2023 Letter from Marlis and a valued contribution to a supplementary exhibition in the Juul's Museum. Alte Stromer Painter Club's Calendar 2024 will be used to mark and inform about events and booked visits in 2024. |
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