Association: Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine
CVR: 41238992 - Contact: E-mail

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Juul's Museum - Object ID Registration

Johannes Juul's patented low-voltage stove, mass produced by the Danish company LK 1934-1950s
Object ID number: 1957002023

Oven connected to transformer, produced by LK 1930s
Object ID number: 19570012023

Nilfisk vacuum cleaner, incl. patented nozzle. Product number: S 59_527_670.
Object ID number: 19570022023

Husqvarna treadle sewing machine. Product number: 156_73_17
Object ID number: 19570052023

Hand Crank Telephone
Object ID number: 19570062023

Juul's original tower and transformer housing still exist. The association aims to register the location and the restart of Gedser Wind Turbine as an operational cultural heritage. Agreed with the Danish Energy Agency, a new electricity meter will be installed as soon as Johannes Juul's prototype is manufactured and registered with its own GSRN.

Historic Timeline:

Construction of Gedser Wind Turbine, with the support from the Marshall Plan and Juul's cooperations with the OEEC Working Group 2.

Gedser Wind Turbine was officially inaugurated on July 26, 1957. Photo shows Johannes Juul as No. 5 from left. As No. 4 from right: Edward William Golding, Electricty Resarch Agency (ERA), UK.
Source: Energy Museum

NASA and DOE's Test Runs for the US Energy Program.

VIDEO: 1977-1979. The Gedser wind turbine during NASA test runs
Thanks to Kristian H. Nielsen we can present this unique video of the Gedser wind turbine in action. Kristian H. Nielsen, associate professor and head of the Center for Scientific Studies at Aarhus University, released the video in 2010 when he published a journal article comparing the technological development of the Gedser mill and the Smith-Putnam wind turbine. You can request a copy of his article: (click here) at

Juul's rotor and machine cabin transferred to the Energy Museum in Jutland

1993. The former owner of the Gedser Wind Turbine site wanted to install a newer Wincon nacelle on Juul's original tower. Juul's rotor and machine cabin were transferred to the Energy Museum in Jutland. Private photo.

1993. The display of Juul's machine cabin and two rotor blades (the third is in storage) is one of the Energy Museum's most popular exhibitions. Photo: Energy Museum

2014 - 10 October
The property, including the mill site, was purchased in 2014 by Gitte Ahrenkiel.
At the request of local citizens, Gitte Ahrenkiel took the initiative to secure the mill site for posterity.
The operation of the then Wincon (200 kW) was sold by the previous owner to a company with a demand for payment of annual rent to Gitte Ahrenkiel. The company was informed of our contact with the Minister of Culture, Bertel Haarder. In recognition of Gedser Wind Turbine's historical importance, the Minister of Culture encouraged us to apply to the Danish Palaces and Culture Agency for conservation of the area where Johannes Juul built the Gedser Wind Turbine in 1957.

Letter from the Danish Cultural Minister, 15 December 2015

2016 - January
Application for conservation of the Gedser Wind Turbine area - sent to the Danish Palaces and Culture Agency.
However, the proceedings were put on hold because the company that operated the Wincon breached the agreement by not paying the annual rent on time.

2018 - November
Gitte Ahrenkiel hires a lawyer in order to bring the company before the enforcement court.

2019 - 30 September
Date of takeover of the facility and right of use - 30 September 2019.

2019 - 4 November
Removal of Wincon (200 kW) with legal assistance.

Press release, 3 December, 2020

2020 - 8 March
The Association: Operation of Gedser Wind Turbine was founded. With priority statute: "To investigate / create conditions for the later establishment of a limited company or fund for administration of the reconstruction and operation project to ensure this for posterity."

2022 - 17 November
Pre-qualification in "Location counts X" (a campaign led by Realdania and the Ny Carlsberg foundation). The association establishes a project group with the participation of Guldborgsund municipality and the Energy Museum.

2023 - 3 February
At the request of Realdania and the New Carlsberg Foundation - an application for a dispensation from the Beach Protection Line was send to the Danish Costal Agency. Respectively for an independent expanded cadastre for a renewed operation of the Gedser Wind Turbine, as well as for the establishment of the Juuls Museum.

2023 - 24 February
The Danish Energy Agency announces that Juul's plant is still GSRN-registered with Wincon operation, despite its disposal in November 2019. At the request of the Danish Energy Agency, an ownership document is signed by both parties 24 February, 2023. Gitte Ahrenkiel is therefore the current owner of Juul's plant. The aim is for the ownership to be taken over by a private limited company supported by the association.

2023 - 17 March
The Danish Energy Agency recognizes Gedser Wind Turbine's historical importance and offers a separate certification of a local Wind Turbine company for servicing the Johannes Juul Prototype. As well as a GSRN registration of the Johannes Juul Prototype as soon as it is mounted on Juul's tower in Gedser.

2023 - 18 March
In order to obtain permission from Juul's descendants to use Johannes Juul's name for GSRN registration of his facility in Gedser - the association and Jytte Thorndahl from the Energy Museum start the hunt to track down Juul's family.

2023 - 15 May.
Refusal of realization support in "Location counts X". Realdania recognizes the unique importance of the Gedser Wind Turbine. But since the association has not yet received a response from the Coastal Directorate for re-matriculation, restart of the Gedser Wind Turbine and construction of the Juuls Museum - Realdania cannot for now support the project. The association is encouraged to apply again as soon as the relevant permits have been obtained.

2023 - 9 September
8 grandchildren of Johannes Juul allow usage of his name in terms of GSRN registration of Johannes Juul's prototype.

2024 - 1 February
Following an agreement with the Danish Coastal Directorate, a revised, updated application for exemption from the beach protection line has been forwarded. This is because the case processing has not yet been completed (the delay in case processing is due to several nationwide storm surge damages in October-December 2023). This enables a renewed, updated application - delivered on 1 February 2024.

2024 - March, April
Based on donation from SEAS-NVE Elmuseum of Juuls low-voltage stoves to Juuls Museum (September 12, 2023) - object ID registration has started. This is reinforced by contact with Europeana and the danish Minister of Culture, Jakob Engel-Schmidt (15 April 2024).

Minister of Culture, Jakob Engel-Schmidt (15 April 2024)

Object ID registration of historic items installed in the Transformer Housing, related to Johannes Juul's construction of the Gedser Wind Turbine 1957.

Control Board/Power meter - 1957.
Object ID number: 19570081957

Voltage regulator 3 p/n, produced by LK. Installed as part of Juul's power meter, which is still present in the transformerhouse close to the concrete tower of Gedser Wind Turbine. Estimated dating: 1957 - the year Juul launched the Gedser Wind Turbine.
Object ID number: 19570031957

4P Voltage Relay.
Object ID number: 19570071957

Object ID registration of Juul's original concrete tower.

The Tower of Gedser Wind Turbine 1957
Object ID number: 19570041957
